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Normal Skin

Everyone’s skin is ‘normal’ to them!!

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“Normal” Skin could be difficult to define. Your skin is certainly normal to you! Normal skin generally does not exhibit one extreme or another when it comes to its appearance. In general, people with normal skin have medium-sized pores. The skin’s texture is usually smooth, and it has good circulation.

Normal skin can have some isolated patches of dryness or oiliness, generally in areas prone to those issues, such as the cheeks, forehead and nose. The T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) could be oily, but overall sebum and moisture is balanced and the skin is neither too oily nor too dry. Some experts also classify normal skin as combination skin for this reason.

The scientific term for healthy, normal skin is eudermic. Your skin makes the right amount of sebum to keep it well-hydrated and moist and is considered balanced.

Most skin care products can work for this skin type, but as always, we recommend a patch test or small area of usage with any new product!!!

What is Dry Skin?


‘Dry skin’ is usually thought of as a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. As a result of the lack of sebum, dry skin lacks the lipids that it needs to retain moisture and build a protective barrier. Many of our products help with ‘barrier protection,’ which is critical to help protect the skin and body against environmental factors. Your skin is constantly losing water via perspiration and Trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). TEWL is the natural, passive diffusion of water from the skin each day. The scientific term for dry skin is “Xerosis”.

Age plays a big part in the onset and exacerbation of dry skin. Skin that is soft and smooth receives the designation of baby-soft skin; there is a scientific reason that babies have such soft and supple skin. Young skin is full of a substance known as hyaluronic acid, a major constituent in the cellular matrix of both collagen and elastin. Collagen is a supportive agent in your skin’s structure, while elastin is the main factor in your skin’s ability to recover or bounce back.

The body has the highest amounts of hyaluronic acid as a newborn, and the substance slowly decreases as a person matures. Significantly more women suffer from dry skin than men and all skin gets dryer as it ages. Problems related to dry skin are a common complaint and account for 40% of visits to dermatologists.

To determine whether you have dry skin, there are specific traits to look for. You probably have dry skin if you notice tightness when washing your face; this tightness can persist with exposure to sun or other harsh environmental conditions.

  • Dry skin is also prone to patches of flakiness or redness and can wrinkle more easily than other skin types.
  • Your skin can crack, peel, or become itchy, irritated, or inflamed. If it’s very dry, it can become rough and scaly, especially on the backs of your hands, arms, and legs.

What is Oily Skin?


‘Oily skin’ is used to describe skin with increased sebum production. An over production is known as seborrhea. Of all the skin types, oily skin is one of the easiest to recognize. People with this skin type are prone to breakouts, even when they are well past the teenage years. With this type of skin, you commonly can expect to see pimples along the T-zone, which includes your forehead, nose and chin. The texture of your skin is probably coarse and thicker than other people experience. It is also common to notice a greasy sheen to your skin and to have enlarged pores. Unlike many other people, however, the normal signs of aging might pass you by; the excessive lubrication in your skin means that it probably is less likely to wrinkle.

People can get oily skin for several reasons. Genetics, Age, Environment, and Lifestyle all play a role. Younger people tend to have oilier skin, and lifestyle factors such and stress or hormonal changes play a huge role!

To determine whether you have oily skin, there are specific traits to look for. Pay attention to the “T-Zone”, the region of the face consisting of the forehead and nose which naturally tend to have more active oil glands that may produce excess sebum. If your T-Zone is oily but the rest of your face looks normal or dry, then you have combination skin.

  • Your face has a glossy or shiny appearance, and usually appears greasy as the day goes on. Your skin may constantly look shiny
  • Makeup doesn’t stay on and comes off easily
  • You skin is more prone to breakouts, comedones (blackheads/whiteheads), or pimples. This is because the sebum (oil) mixes with dead skin cells and stuck in your pores
  • Your pores are enlarged and easy to see, especially on your nose, chin and forehead

What should you do about oily skin?

The most basic tenet to control oily skin is to wash regularly, this can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. The cleanser you use is important, because your body will want to overcompensate and produce more oil in response! Do not use cleansers that are oil or alcohol based, as those can irritate your skin.

With oily skin, it can be tempting to hide it with makeup. However, certain makeup, can make symptoms worse or clog the pores.

It is important to moisturize, even for those with oily skin. However, do not choose thick creams or moisturizers. Especially if you are washing your skin regularly, you will want to replace the moisture lost from the skin.

We have SEVERAL products (link: that are beneficial for those with oily skin!

These products are specifically ones to consider!

Dermist GSL Cleanser (—This gentle formula uses a mild cleaning action, removing excess oil without stimulating overproduction. With Glycolic acid, Salicylic acid, and Lactic acid, it will help exfoliate and remove oils!

O.R.A.C. Lifting Complex ( —This cream, designed for daily use, raises your Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity, improving the overall appearance of your skin from the inside out. More specifically, this cream also shrinks the large pores common in this skin type.

Dermist M3HA Hyaluronic Acid ( — For those with oily skin, retaining and locking in moisture is critical after cleansing! Using our Dermist M3HA will help your skin stay moist without feeling heavy or clogging pores!

What is Combination Skin?


There is not a clear definition for combination skin, so it could be hard to identify. Generally, people with combination skin experience the traits of both oily and dry skin on different parts of their faces. Most people have symptoms of oily skin along their T-zone, the area encompassing the forehead, nose and chin. Dry skin is more common along the cheeks and the side of the face. Combination skin must be treated with care to avoid any extreme reaction on either the dry or oily side of the spectrum. Others feel that seasonal changes to a person’s skin, like having dry skin in winter and oily in summer gives you “combination skin.”

The oilier parts of combination skin are caused by an over production of sebum and oils. The drier parts of the skin are caused by a lack of sebum in those areas. The key for this skin type is to find the balance between moisturizing and clogging pores. You don’t need two different routines, just the right one!

Lightweight moisturizers and alcohol-free cleansers are beneficial to both parts of combination skin.

What is Sensitive Skin?


Sensitive skin can mimic other skin types and manifests itself differently among different people. In general, sensitive skin care products are recommended if you regularly experience redness, rashes and itchiness. Sensitive skin often feels dry or tight and can exhibit bumps and bruising as your skin is thinner than that of an average person. You might even have an allergic reaction to some ingredients commonly used in skin care products. While other skin types are more forgiving, it is critical for people with sensitive skin to follow a targeted skin care regimen.

Sensitive skin is prone to inflammation. Many persons have acne, rosacea, contact dermatitis, or other skin conditions. Sensitive skin can be prone to stinging, burning, or itchiness. While the definition may vary from person to person, scientifically sensitive skin types have a few common traits:

  • Prone to redness/irritation
  • Skin allergies (hives, rashes)
  • Pre-existing skin conditions, such as psoriasis or rosacea
  • Breakouts that are sensitive to specific triggers (a type of food, stress)
  • A heightened sensitivity to acidic products
  • Skin that easily dries out

People with sensitive skin can have over-reactions to certain ingredients or alcohols/acids. There is some overlap of dry skin and sensitive skin types as well. Sensitive skin doesn’t have to be a permanent skin type either! Some people may simply have a tendency to overscrub or overexfoliate their skin, or use the wrong skin care products. Once those behaviors are modified, their skin is not as sensitive!

Because sensitive skin is touchy, the skin products you use are extremely important. At Hale Cosmeceuticals, we never add irritating ingredients like parabens to our formulas, making them ideal for those with sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is irritated and can react to acids or retinoids.

Hale products that are essential for sensitive skin types include:

Super Silt Masque ( This product oxygenates and detoxifies skin, returning sensitive skin to its natural balance. It redeposits essential nutrients that skin needs to be soft and radiant.

Soft Finishing Moisturizer ( Moisture is crucial for sensitive skin types. This product uses antioxidants to fight aging while protecting skin from moisture loss.

Dermist Exfoliating Cleanser ( Used in moderation, this gentle exfoliating cleanser promotes skin cell regeneration without any harsh irritants.

Cooling Eye Gel ( Perfect for sensitive skin types, this product reduces inflammation and wrinkles in the highly sensitive eye area.


For questions about these or any of our other active ingredients, please contact us online or call us today at 1-800-951-7005.
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